LassoScript Utility
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Tag Link [Net->Bind] Category Networking
Type Member Source Available Yes
Support Preferred Version 7.0
Change Unchanged Data Source Any
Output Type None Security None
Implementation LCAPI Sets Lasso 8.5, Lasso 8.0, Lasso 7.0


[Net->Bind] is used with TCP or UDP listeners to specify what port they will listen on.

TCP listeners must first use [Net->SetType] to set the type to [Net_TypeTCP]. [Net->Bind] is then used to set the port that will be listened on. The object is put into listening mode using [Net->Listen] and invidivual incoming connections are accepted using [Net->Accept].

UDP listeners must first use [Net->SetType] to set the type to [Net_TypeUDP]. [Net->Bind] is then used to set the port that will be listened on. [Net->ReadFrom] is used to accept incoming connections. The return value includes the data that was sent by the remote host and the IP address of the remote host.


Variable: 'Listener' = (Net);
$Listener->(Bind: 8000);
Variable: 'Connection' = $Listener->Accept;

Variable: 'Listener' = (Net);
$Listener->(SetType: Net_TypeUDP);
$Listener->(Bind: 8000);
Variable: 'Result' = $Listener->(ReadFrom: 32768);


Required Parameters
Port The port number to bind the listener to.


To listen for incoming TCP connections:

Use the [Net] type and its member tags to establish a TCP listener. The following example listens on port 80 for incoming TCP traffic. The [Net->Accept] tag returns a new connection and the IP address of the local machine and the remote machine are reported.

[Variable: 'myListener' = (Net)]
[$myListener->(Bind: 80)]
[Variable: 'myConnecton' = $myListener->(Accept)]
Local: [Output: $myConnection->(LocalAddress)]
Remote: [Output: $myConnection->(RemoteAddress)]
[Variable: 'Input' = $myConnection->(Read: 32768)]
